Ohio Maze Adventure
Grades 3-5 may schedule an educational Ohio Maze Adventure! Our Ohio Maze has over 2 miles of trails representing Ohio highways, rivers, Underground Railroad routes, treaty lines, and state borders. Learn about famous Ohioans, Ohio history, resources, economics, fun sports facts, Ohio presidents, and much more!
Ohio Maze Adventure Objectives
Ramseyer Farms wants to make sure your experience is educational and fun. The Ohio Maze will integrate:
- Influence of Geography on Ohio Development
- Cause and Effect Relationships
- Various Historical Eras
- Significant Individuals in Ohio History
- Map Skills
- Ohio Natural Resources and Factors of Production
- Interactions of Various Ohio Cultural Groups
- Ohio “Firsts”
- Inferences Drawn from Ohio Geography
- Understanding and using cardinal and intermediate direction

Lesson Plans
Get the most out of your Ohio Adventure Tour! Browse these lesson plans before your class visits the farm!
Founding Dates of Cities in Ohio
Greenville Treaty
Mother of Presidents, Ohio
Native American Speeches
Underground Railroad
Ohio Geography, Location, Population